Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's time =)

I was talking to a friend today... And we were talking about how everyone has an exclusive person.. I don't know.. I don't think that's true.. I mean sure I have my go-to people... But I don't know if i have an exclusive person, someone who belongs to me and only me, and I don't think I'm anyone else's exclusive person. See, I think the whole "exclusive person" thing is a little surreal..

Anyway.. I try not let people in too much, because I've done it before and I've been let down. So why risk it again, right? I have trust issues and I'm very very insecure, something that anyone who knows me very well has to deal with.. I think the main reason why I don't let people in is because I'm scared that the feelings I have for them aren't or wont be requited. But I was thinking today, and I had an epiphany. I realised that I'm never really going to know true happiness or love or friendship if I don't let my guard down (something my friend made me realise). Sure I might get hurt, but I don't think I'll regret it. And I figured that there's a reason why my friends and my boyfriend have stuck by me; they've accepted me for who I am - a very moody, insecure, sometimes crazy person.
The thing is... I think I've already let it down when it comes to certain people (you know who you are).. And yeah.. it really is the best feeling ever =)

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