A little bit of each of these is present in everyone, but there's one which is dominant. In my case, it's the id, at least, I think it is. =|
You know how people do things without thinking? I almost ALWAYS do things without thinking. I like to deal with the consequences later (and there are always consequences).
Jim Morrison once said "I was stoned, it seemed like a fun thing to do at the moment". I can't even begin to explain how much I can relate to this, save the stoned bit.
I've done some pretty stupid things in my life so far. See, there are two types of people in the world; those who learn from other's mistakes (I guess they're the smarter ones), and those who learn from their own mistakes. I fit into the latter category. I wish I could learn from other's mistakes, really, I do.. But I have a theory which my best friend thinks is insanely stupid, but hey, it makes sense to me. I now get back to the "ruled by the Id" bit. See, I believe in doing what you want to do. I'd rather do something I really really want to do and not miss out on something that might be amazing. Life is about taking risks right? So if this something that you want to do is not amazing and you end up falling flat on your ass, then you just get up, you deal with it, and you learn to not do the same thing again.
I realise that this might not make sense to you at all, and it might just be the stupidest thing you've ever read, but to each his own, right? =)
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